Angie's Kitchen Award Ring!
Rules And Guidelines!
Must be a site containing free recipes.
The entire site must be fit for all audiences.
Site must be updated frequently.
Pages need to be easy to navigate.
Ring logo must be obtained and kept within the proper page registered.
Logo must appear within 24 hours of filling out the addform.
If you have read and understand the above, please click on the link below and fill out the add form provided. An email will be sent following with the rest of the information and logo html.
If you have any problems please send me an e-mail.
Thanks for visiting I hope you wish to poin us!

Please sign my guestbook! I would love to know you were here!
Submit your recipes here by e-mail and have them featured on my New Page "Recipes From Friends" page. Don't forget to sign it as you want it to appear. AngieCooks@tripod.net

This page has been visited
times since August 21, 1998.
